About the Author

Teresa G. Perkins, Ed.D. is completing year five as Assistant Professor; Teresa's professional roles also include, Director of the M.Ed. Leadership Degree Program and Department Chair of EDSC at Liberal Arts University in Nebraska. 

Dr. Perkins's focus is culturally proficient educational leadership, embracing the essential elements of collective efficacy, reflection, and intentional systems built with courage and hope. Teresa's first book: Creating Equity-Centered Communities: Belonging, Bold Hope and You, is in production at Bloomsbury Publishing, with a publication date set in 2025.

Perkins’s academic background includes earning a bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, a master’s degree in educational leadership at Doane University, and her doctorate degree in educational administration at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln where she was awarded the John A. Lammel Fellowship. 

Teresa has served at every level of education, PK-Post Secondary, for over 30 years with a mission rooted in creating and sustaining equity-centered communities of hope and belonging. 

A former English teacher and middle school administrator, she moved to higher education full-time in 2019. Dr. Perkins presents her research at regional and national conferences, and supports education and community organizations on strengthening equity-centered cultures through reflection, belonging and hope. Teresa's current research projects include Creating Equity-Centered Communities, Belonging, and Hope, along with principal job satisfaction, culturally proficient leadership, and shaping school culture through joy.

We are better together; let’s collaborate!

Image depicts Teresa G. Perkins in doctorate regalia.


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